Pro-social purposes on the Internet

It’s not worth to remind you that Internet offers to companies, political parties, and all organisations the possibility to express their goals and to have a better relationships with the people they aim at. It’s the case for NGOs or humanitarian organizations, which all have its websites, like Amnesty International.

Thanks to online communication, organizations which have pro-social purposes can reach more people, explain their actions, present the people that work for it, show photographs, and encourage visitors to sign for different causes. The visitors can suscribe to newsletters, consult reports, or join the humanitarian organization’s project.

But if having a website is not very original, using Internet to create buzz is much more innovative.

We can evoke the campain lauched by Amnesty International for Olympic Games in Pekin, denouncing the non-respect of human rights in China. This is one of the posters :

The communication agency that conceived this campain also realized a short video, that wasn’t broadcasted on traditional media like television. This video was only posted on the Internet, and to access to it, you had to connect to Dailymotion. This video has rapidly generated buzz, and many bloggers put it on their blogs. This is one example of a communication campain based on the circulation of a short video thanks to the Internet.

If you want to see the video, go on this blog ! (It’s at the end of the first article)


If you’re interested in Internet and social causes, I’ve written an article about how Internet can solve the problem of freedom of speech in some repressive countries like Cuba. 

2 Responses to “Pro-social purposes on the Internet”

  1. The vid is great, though it is (as well as the print ads) pretty creepy :S But the subject is gloomy and sad so I guess the campaign is delivering the message without minimizing the issue or making it more comfortable for the viewers.

  2. […] 10 – Create a buzz. Often, charities don’t have much money to spend to promote their action. Buzz is a good solution because it’s a very cheap way to communicate. We can evoke the campaign launched by Amnesty International to denounce the non-respect of human rights in China. A short video was posted on the Internet and generated buzz. This is an article I’ve written about it on this blog. […]

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