Archive for September, 2008

RSS : three mysterious letters !

Posted in Uncategorized on September 25, 2008 by zelieberger

RSS : three letters that doesn’t mean anything for those who aren’t geeks – like me !

After a small research on the Internet, I found the answer : RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication”. It’s a new way to distribute updates and news.

But even if I didn’t know what RSS mean, I’ve already used RSS feeds.

For example, I’m a very loyal reader of one of my friends’ blog. I’ve recently discovered the possibility to subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed, just clicking on this orange button, which is the RSS logo :



Consequently, as soon as my friend publishes a new article in his blog, I’m informed about it. The RSS feed provides me a list of notifications done in the blog, and of all the contents added. Then, I’ve just to click on one of the entries to consult the article I want to read.

But the use of RSS isn’t limited to blogs. For example, a lot of newspapers online propose RSS feeds. When you use a browser like Firefox, there’s a button “last news” which appears in the tool bar. By clicking on this button, you can access very easily and quickly to the last news published by the media. It also works for the new videos added : it’s the case of the BBC’s website, which explains very well to its visitors what a RSS feed is. Click here for the explanations ! 

 In few words, RSS is an easy way to access to your favourite contents without loosing time.

 And to finish, some nice RSS icons created by Dirceu Veiga (Brazil) : 


UPDATE : It also exists tools that aggregate RSS feeds, like Netvibes. Here is a video where I explain how to use it : 




Pro-social purposes on the Internet

Posted in Uncategorized on September 25, 2008 by zelieberger

It’s not worth to remind you that Internet offers to companies, political parties, and all organisations the possibility to express their goals and to have a better relationships with the people they aim at. It’s the case for NGOs or humanitarian organizations, which all have its websites, like Amnesty International.

Thanks to online communication, organizations which have pro-social purposes can reach more people, explain their actions, present the people that work for it, show photographs, and encourage visitors to sign for different causes. The visitors can suscribe to newsletters, consult reports, or join the humanitarian organization’s project.

But if having a website is not very original, using Internet to create buzz is much more innovative.

We can evoke the campain lauched by Amnesty International for Olympic Games in Pekin, denouncing the non-respect of human rights in China. This is one of the posters :

The communication agency that conceived this campain also realized a short video, that wasn’t broadcasted on traditional media like television. This video was only posted on the Internet, and to access to it, you had to connect to Dailymotion. This video has rapidly generated buzz, and many bloggers put it on their blogs. This is one example of a communication campain based on the circulation of a short video thanks to the Internet.

If you want to see the video, go on this blog ! (It’s at the end of the first article)


If you’re interested in Internet and social causes, I’ve written an article about how Internet can solve the problem of freedom of speech in some repressive countries like Cuba. 

Awdio : Play the world !

Posted in Uncategorized on September 25, 2008 by zelieberger

I must present you a very innovative website recently launched, that I discovered two weeks ago. It’s awdio, and I think it revolutionizes the way you listen to music.

The concept is : streaming and broadcasting of DJ sets and concerts from clubs all over the world. Many websites propose broadcasting, but Awdio is very innovative because it’s the first website to broadcast LIVE. Indeed, you can listen to the music played in more than 50 clubs and bars worldwide.

Streaming creates the possibility for everyone to benefit from concerts which take place miles away. Just imagine : you’re taking your breakfast in Paris, watching a great “DJ set” in a huge australian club !

Each week and each month, Awdio sents to its users the program of the concerts and DJ venues. To consult it, just click here ! It’s a nice program, isn’t it ?

For the moment, there are not many places : you can listen the music played in fifty bars and clubs in the world. But the first places chosen are well-known for the quality of the music they play. One example : Rex Club in Paris, known for the quality of its sound system, where many international DJs come to play electronic music.

To conclude, I just hope that awdio will soon broadcast the music played in other clubs, like the famous “Fabric” in London. I encourage you to have a look at this website and test the service : you have a three hundred minutes free trial.

My best English language learning tool

Posted in Uncategorized on September 25, 2008 by zelieberger

Today, I’m going to talk about my favourite English language learning tool on the Internet : Gymglish.


Every morning, I receive in my mailbox an English course from Gymglish. I just have to click on an hyperlink, and I arrive on Gymglish’s website.

The content of the English lessons is a mix of written contents and audio recordings like short stories or conversations. With this tool, I can learn both the vocabulary and the grammar. The dialogs are often funny, which make me laugh in the morning (and I need it !). And as the contents are various, the lesson isn’t boring.

The advantages of this program is that it’s free and short : it only takes me ten minutes every morning to read the texts, answer the questions and listen the conversation. So it’s a good training for those who haven’t many time to spend each day to learn english.

But for me, the biggest advantage is that you can personnalize your English lessons. For example, at the end of each lesson, you can select some vocabulary words or gtrammar topics that you don’t know. The translation of those words or idiomatic expression is given, and you will find in the next lessons the words / grammar expressions used in different contexts. It’s a good way to memorize vocabulary and grammar.

For all those reasons, I find that Gymglish is an innovative training program… But i’ts obvious that it won’t replace a trip in an English-speaking country !

What are the values of e-Culture ?

Posted in Uncategorized on September 23, 2008 by zelieberger


Today, I’m going to talk about values of e-culture. In order to answer to the question : “What are the values of e-culture”, I will establish links with the origin of the Internet and the counter-culture movement’s values. Drawing this parallel, I will show how some values endured, even if it sometimes doesn’t correspond to the reality. 

When Internet was created, it was developed by and dedicated to researchers communities – mostly in universities – before being extended to the whole society. Those communities worked in a spirit of cooperation, and the networks that linked the computers together allowed the researchers to share their knowledge and to work more efficiently. Then, when Internet has been extended to the whole society, the conception of a virtual group in which each one could express in an egalitarian way has endured.

Indeed, the advent of the Internet has changed many things in the field of social interactions. When they connect to the Internet, users have the impression that they enter a new world of egalitarian relationships. Forums are one example of virtual places of free expression : everyone can give his opinion about various subjects, without considerations of age, social belonging or ethnic group. But we can also qualify this statement : indeed, forums are moderated by people who supervise the contents of the contributions.

Moreover, the Internet provides to its users the possibility of interacting by tools such as electronic mail services, instant messaging and chats. It constitutes a different way to communicate than in “real” life : easy and immediate social link seems to be established trough the networks. On the one hand, it can lead to contacts between people who wouldn’t have met within the Internet ; for example, it can develop communities based on affinities or exchanges between different nationalities. But on the other hand, it can also damage sociability based on direct interpersonal encounter, for example some traditional communities such as families. In this case, we can evoke the phenomenon of “no life”, those people who become absorbed in virtual worlds.

We can also find a strong link between values of e-culture and values of “counter-culture” movement, which took place in the sixties in the Unites States. This movement includes young people’s revolting movement, hippie movement and some other alternative ones. Their values were life in community, desire of equality and freedom. They conceived the society as a pacific community in which love and altruism were two very important values. This movement disappeared in the seventies, but its values have endured. We can establish a link between counter-culture values and e-culture values. Indeed, Internet’s growth has mobilized many young people who were looking for a brotherly, communicating and peaceful society.

But does it correspond exactly to the reality of Internet use ? Many people consider that there’s a huge difference between the utopias that came with the emergence of the Internet and the reality. They think that big companies have distorted the initial project of a more cooperative and communicating society. Indeed, many companies have seen in the Internet the possibility to develop their brand strategies, to sell their products and to lure consumers.  Moreover, there’s another point that has to be mentioned. Internet promises to its users universal and free access to information and knowledge. But even if the number of users has increased rapidly, many people remain excluded from the access to the networks. It can be due to different reasons, that I won’t evoke in this article, which is a bit long ! Maybe next time…

To conclude, I just invite you to come back to the “ELECTRONIC VILLAGE” in one week, for a new article about e-Culture and Communication. 

Welcome to the electronic village

Posted in Me with tags , , , , on September 23, 2008 by zelieberger

Hi !

My name’s Zélie, and I welcome you on this blog !

Currently, I study Communication at CELSA, a school located in Paris and which reports to the Sorbonne University. I’m preparing my Master Degree, and the section I study in is more precisely dedicated to media and new media. 

In this school, we have the opportunity to do an internship each year, during almost six months, which allows us to apply what we’ve learned to professional life. Last year, for example, I spent five months in a company called SFR ; it’s the second telephone operator in France. I was in charge of the competitive intelligence, that we can also call strategic watch.

The objectives of this weblog are giving my opinion on subjects related to e-culture and communication, and improving my English. I’ll try to write at least one article by week.

Enjoy your visit in the “electronic village”, and don’t hesitate to leave me comments.

You also can contact me by email (, or through my Facebook account.